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Some Tips

May 12, 2017

1. PEEKING ADVANTAGE: We all have different internet connections. So sometimes some of us are a little bit delayed on each others screens. When peeking someone dont just stand there in one spot. Peek it then move back then peek again and once you see the person, start slowly shooting by taping the fire button at least once every time you peek. Keep doing that until you killed the person or notice that you wont be able to get them.

2. HATCHES: If a hatch is over the objective use it. Peek it once and a while. It will be a surprise to them and they'll eventually try and flank you by going up the stairs. So expect people at any near by stairs or any entrances into the room the hatch is in.

3. ROAMERS: Get out of the objective room. Leave the most heavy ones in obj and move out to a different place. Go into some room near the objective just in case the attacking team is surrounding it because that way you can go up from behind them. if you already have a roamer near objective try having another in the opposite floor, because there is some people who go through long ways that can be the least expected.

4. CAMERAS: Dont let them see where you guys are coming from. A twitch drone can get the job done by taking all the cams out in and out the building. Which will leave the defending team nothing to do but wait for the attack.

5. CAM BEFIRE ANYTHING: Make sure you cam BEFORE entering the building for any one hiding. Also cam before entering any room. Dont let your cam be seen and make sure you look at every corner for a hidden enemy. Knowing where your enemy is good so you can know to expect them near by. Also when done camming bring the cam back to you or to the place you will be going to next just in case you need it again or leave it in the corner of the room you are going to enter.

6. SOUND WHORE: Listen to the game and youll know what to expect. You can hear their foot steps or them setting stuff down or them checking cams and even them just staying in one spot but looking around.. youll know when you can expect someone because of hearing them. Turtle Beach Reccomended

7. CROUCH: When moving throughout the building crouch. It will make it diffucult for them to hear your foot steps and make it easier to catch them by surprise.

8. FLANK: When defending flank the oppsing team. This is good if your teammates are disatracting a shield or anyone in the opposite team. If theres more than 2 just make sure and go for the one that can possibly kill you first that way you wont die before killing them.

9. DONT FORGET: People sometimes always for get to put their shit down. If you play rook, put your armor down once game starts to roamers can get the fuck out. When playing Jager but your trophie systems down bc of Fuze!! when bandit put down batteries because of thermite or hibana. When mute dont forget to put your jammers before anything to not let them find objective. Pleaso do not forget n place your shit it gets really irrating.


Best Squad For Attacking

May 12, 2017

1. THATCHER or TWITCH: To destroy enemy jammers and battery charges on reinfroced walls or cameras.

2. HIBANA or THERMITE: To breach through reinforced walls.

3. JACKAL: To counter roamers. (Caveira, Pulse, Bandit, Jager. Maybe Valk)

4. ASH: To destroy any castle mats, baracades or walls.

5. IQ: To see where the enemy traps are at + Can counter Pulse and Echo

v Video on a R6 YouTuber's opinion on Good n Bad Attacking Operators. v

Best & Worst Attacking Operators

Best Squad for Defending

May 12, 2017

1. DOC: For a HP refil

2. JAGER or BANDIT: For trophysystems or Batteries for reinforced walls or barbwire + Roamer

3. CAVIERA: For enemy locations + Silent Roamer

4. VALKYRIE: For 3 extra hidden cams in unexpected places

5. MUTE: For jammers to hide objective from attackers and jam drones and breaching charges

v Video on a R6 YouTuber's opinion on good n bad Defending Operators. v

Bets & Worst Defending Opperators