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✰ Tips On GTAV ✰

Gun Fights May 12, 2017

1. If trying to win a gun fight, aim for the head with or without helmet.

2. Duck you're head when aiming in with your gun and zoom in for a better veiw. (L3 and R3 on PS4)

3. Dont ever roll first! Wait for them to roll and do it RIGHT AFTER they do because it messes up their aim on you.

4. If you dont like to roll or if you mess up on rolling right after them, i recomend relocking. It does take time to master your relocking but you can just PRACTICE it.

-Stop aiming then reaim when their rolling because then youll have the shot on them before they even have the shot on you. so you can just win that gun fight easily especially if you shot their head.-

5. Learn how to free aim. So if you cant lock on to them or youre aim is off, then you can just free aim.

6. You can also learn to strafe side to side. The way to strafe is if when youre locked on the person and shooting.. hold "x" (PS4) and move left or right with R3 (PS4). This is very helpful because half of the bullets that the enemy is shooting wont be hitting you. (you cant be zoomed in tho but you can duck your head while strafing.)

7. Play in first person that way you can aim for the head better and have no recoil plus you move faster so when youre strafing you dont have to hold "x".

8. Change your settings: Camera> First Person combat roll> off. ALSO put your sensetivity higher to move faster.


✰ Tips On GTAV ✰

How to take out a jet May 12, 2017

You can use an RPG, Homing Launcher or a sniper. Depending on how the person flies the jet.

1. If they just do a normal dive then just shoot a RPG when they start to dive and they are about to shoot then run.

2. If they do those high dives and come straight down, make sure you run or walk back while you aim straight up at them then shoot.

3. Or you can lock on while they turn around to dive. And shoot the homing launcher straight at the person

4. If the person on the jet flies really close to the ground you can just pull out a AR or even a pistol and lock on to the guy's head so you can kill him.

5. You can use a sniper as well too make his jet smoke or pop him. Use BST for better results.