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✰ How I Play GtaV ✰

Cash Is The King Of Los Santos May 16, 2017

Im an OPP now. I RnG at times since it is fun. I no longer play with rules on freemode tho. I play how I want and use what I want from just explosives to BST. I gotta say it is very fun to hear people rage. Players like me are known as "Dirty Players" or "Try Hards."

I mainly play in the First person veiw. That way when I need to switch from a RPG to AR or to a sniper I dont have to waiste time and switch veiws.

I also stay in first person because the Combat MG is overpowered because of the damage and in first person it has no recoil which makes it better. I also stay in first person because i move faster and i can kill myself faster so the other person wont kill me. Some people dont like First Person because when you roll its really confusing. But you can change that so when you try n roll is rolls in like if you were in 3rd Person.

Psn for GTA: RosesCG

ARs Example of Freemode plays


✜ How I Play Rainbow ✜

May 11, 2017

I play casual because I just started playing this game for about a couple months now and I dont believe im good enough to play against ranked players.

I use Caveira, Bandit, Ash, IQ and Jackal. Caveira for interrogations and for roaming. I use Jackal so I can counter roamers. PDW is really good and has a nice power rate, It contains 50 bullets in a mag but it does take forever to reload, But i personaly dont mind it at all. IQ, if i know theyll use a Pulse or Echo or for campers since she contains frags. I use Bandit to electro charge reinforced walls and i use Ash to rush and come in unexpectedly also she is the best attack operator and he guns are both really good.

I prefer playing with friends so you guys can call out and work together. But i do play alone most of my time but i do try and fine lobbies that people have mics in game.

Ive gotten some aces and some okay clips. I will be adding them into a video and putting it on yt. Ill try to put some videos down below.

Psn for R6: v--Roses

An Ace

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